Embarking on a degree in Architecture? if you are then you will need to develop your sketch modelling skills.
Our guide to Finnboard modelling (2Mb PDF)
Our guide to foamboard modelling (1.4Mb PDF)
Our guide to desktop modelling - modelling with foamboard & card (5.8Mb PDF)
Our Guide to KAPA line modelling 2.8Mb PDF.
Our guide to styrene modelling 1.4Mb PDF.
These items have been picked by the B15 workshop at Manchester School of Architecture to their first year students.
Essential to protect your surfaces and give you an even surface to cut on. Always keep your cutting mat clean, especially from glue.
Replace the blades regularly especially when cutting foamboard.
Dispose using a sharps bin
For measuring and cutting against. Has a shallow indentation to keep fingers firm and safe on the rule when marking or cutting.
Solid steel stock with hardened, tempered and finely polished blade.
For measuring accurate right angles.
A good general purpose masking tape you will find useful for many different applications.
Easy to unwind and tear.
Fast tack glue is an all purpose adhesive that dries clear & is flexible.
It is a very sticky glue for a fast hold, ideal for card sketch modelling.
Architectural Modelmaking Guides (16Mb PDF)
We have gathered all the model making guides pertinent to architecture together into a single booklet.
You will also find further information on tools and architectural model making products.
Model Making: Material and Methods
by David Neat
Models can be used in a wide variety of situations, including theatre production, architecture design, animation, and set design. For each different situation a specific material is often preferable, and this handy guide addresses the best model-making materials.
Making Scale Models
by Mark Friend
Making Small Scale Models is for those who have never made a model before or want to develop or increase their skills.
The Handbook of Model Making for Set Designers
by Colin Wilson
Describes the entire process of making scale models for stage sets, from the most basic cutting and assembling methods to more advanced skills, including painting, texturing and finishing techniques, and useful hints on presenting the completed model.